The Importance of Bioswales in Trumpeter by Big Lake

The planted median along Trumpeter Way is a constructed bioswale which is a stormwater management system designed to capture and treat runoff from rainfall. They offer several environmental and practical benefits, which make them a valuable tool in sustainable urban and landscape design. Here are some of the key benefits of bioswells:

  • Stormwater Management: Bioswales help manage stormwater by capturing and slowing down rainwater runoff. They act as a natural filtration system, reducing the volume and velocity of water entering storm drains, which can help prevent flooding and erosion.
  • Water Quality Improvement: These bioswales filter pollutants and contaminants from stormwater as it flows through the vegetation and soil. This can significantly improve water quality before it enters Big Lake and other local water bodies, reducing the impact of urban runoff on aquatic ecosystems.
  • Biodiversity Enhancement: The Bioswales are made up of native plants and are a part of Big Lake’s larger ecosystem. They create green spaces within urban environments, supporting biodiversity by providing habitat for native plants, pollinators, and wildlife. They contribute to preserving Big Lake’s natural biodiversity.
  • Low Maintenance: Bioswales typically require less maintenance than traditional stormwater management infrastructure. Once established, native plants often require less watering and maintenance than lawns or ornamental gardens.
  • Naturally Recharge Rainwater: Trumpeter’s bioswales are designed to mimic natural processes and promote rainwater recharge by allowing water to infiltrate into the ground, reducing the volume of runoff entering storm drains and improving water quality.